Seamlessly integrated with FANUC robots, provide precise part positioning. With easy integration and advanced software functions, including coordinated motion, they ensure consistent surface speeds, particularly advantageous in welding applications. FANUC servo positioners, now capable of handling payloads up to 9000 kg, bring heightened flexibility to your operations. Increase your competitiveness and productivity with FANUC positioners, especially in applications like arc welding that demand maximum tool dexterity and speed.
This is the Positioner for robot system. The positionercan move with high speed, high accuracy, and highpayload by using the same drive unit as a robot.
A coordinated motion function integrated intoFANUC Robot makes it possible to keep optimizedconstant relative speed and posture.
The positioner is realized a compact body withimproved allowable moment, inertia, and loadcapacity.
For 2-axis positioner, a welding earth cable andplenty piping/wiring are integrated into a hollowdrive mechanism. For 1-axis positioner, a hollowtype and a small type are available.
For 1-axis positioner, a follower unit is available, anda long part can be welded. Also the continuous tumoption of welding earth cable and plentypiping/wiring is available.
ROBOGUIDE is used to create a coordinated motionprogram easily.
The positioner can be installed on the floor,upside-down or inclined at any angle.

Robot Specification